Thursday, January 10, 2013

Its that time again....Oscars!!!!!!

     I bid hello to you all…I know, I know it’s been a while! I guess I stopped blogging because I honestly thought my voice wasn’t heard, and among other things I cared too much about  how lackluster my writing was. Well i'm back I don’t know for how long, but I am back with a vengeance! least for Oscar. So the Oscar nods came out today and honestly I almost forgot because i've been sooooo wrapped up in my foolish life. The Oscar nominations awoken me from my unpleasant slumber and made me realize how much I missed blogging.
   The Oscars are like my second super bowl because I take it  just as seriously as the super bowl. I've been watching the Oscars ever since I could remember. Hell my favorite film is Gone with the wind, and it won 11 academy awards . The Oscars are probably the main reason why I am such a movie buff. If it wasn’t for Oscar I wouldn’t know how important “the score” is to a film, or I wouldn’t know about the term "CGI", or how the "editing" acts as a character as well. As you can tell I don’t just get excited about who and what film is nominated although that’s pretty exciting as well, but the technical awards are just as exciting. Each year I try to challenge myself with viewing as many films as possible that are nominated. I then pick the films I think are going to win and I then watch and see if I was right or wrong. For me it’s a pretty big deal because whenever I am bored I go to the movies even alone…, which is ok. I know most people think the Oscars are a waste of time, and at times can be boring because who is to say what is a great film or a terrible one. But honestly that doesn’t bother me, I find it all so thrilling and exciting. For example, I remember when Hallie Berry finally changed the game for African American actresses by being the first to ever win best actress in a leading role. I remember being sooo moved and just as emotional as she was when she read her speech. Or when the last Lord of the rings film, the return of the king took home every award in each category it was nominated in. It is amazing moments like those when you think “dag I got to see a moment that will forever be apart of history”. Of course I have my moments when I am watching and I am like hello what were these people in the screen actors guild thinking??? For instance, not giving the Harry Potter franchise an Oscar after 8 amazing films in ten years, or not awarding Johnny Depp and Leonardo Dicaprio an Oscar because we all know they are the best in their craft , or how many times is Martin Scorsese  going to be nominated?????? even for terrible films like Hugo…so like the Bears I have a love hate relationship with Oscar because I never know what to expect.
   Ok so on to the nominations…I am super stoked about this years nominations because there are some excellent films nominated and I want to try to see them all. Over the next few weeks I am going to review and blog about all the films I see and Oscar night I will tweet and blog instantaneously my thoughts and about show. Let the race begin!!!!, and as Effie Trinket would say from the hunger games: “May the odd forever be in your favor”!

Here are the list of nominations:
 Steven Spielberg's "Lincoln" is leading the way it snatched up 12 nods, including Best Picture, Best Actor and Best Adapted Screenplay. Behind "Lincoln" comes "Life of Pi," Yann Martel's 3-D epic, which earned 11 nominations, also including Best Picture. "Django Unchained," is also among the nominees, as well as Denzel Washington for his starting role in "Flight."
Take a look at the major Oscar nominations below:
Best Picture:
- "Beasts of the Southern Wild"
- “Silver Linings Playbook”
- “Zero Dark Thirty”
- “Lincoln”
- “Les Misérables”
- “Life of Pi”
- “Amour”
- “Django Unchained”
- “Argo”
Best Actor:
- Daniel Day-Lewis, “Lincoln”
- Denzel Washington, “Flight”
- Hugh Jackman, “Les Misérables”
- Bradley Cooper, “Silver Linings Playbook”
- Joaquin Phoenix, “The Master”
Best Actress:
- Naomi Watts, “The Impossible”
- Jessica Chastain, “Zero Dark Thirty”
- Jennifer Lawrence, “Silver Linings Playbook”
- Emmanuelle Riva, “Amour”
- Quvenzhané Wallis, “Beasts of the Southern Wild”
Best Director:
- David O. Russell, “Silver Linings Playbook”
- Ang Lee, “Life of Pi”
- Steven Spielberg, “Lincoln”
- Michael Haneke, “Amour”
- Benh Zeitlin, “Beasts of the Southern Wild”
Best Supporting Actor:
- Christoph Waltz, “Django Unchained”
- Philip Seymour Hoffman, “The Master”
- Robert De Niro, “Silver Linings Playbook”
- Alan Arkin, “Argo”
- Tommy Lee Jones, “Lincoln”
Best Supporting Actress:
- Sally Field, “Lincoln”
- Anne Hathaway, “Les Misérables”
- Jacki Weaver, “Silver Linings Playbook”
- Helen Hunt, “The Sessions”
- Amy Adams, “The Master”
Best Adapted Screenplay:
- “Beasts of the Southern Wild,” Lucy Alibar and Benh Zeitlin
- “Argo,” Chris Terrio
- “Lincoln,” Tony Kushner
- “Silver Linings Playbook,” David O. Russell
- “Life of Pi,” David Magee
Best Original Screenplay:
- “Flight,” John Gatins
- “Zero Dark Thirty,” Mark Boal
- “Django Unchained,” Quentin Tarantino
- “Amour,” Michael Haneke
- “Moonrise Kingdom,” Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Brave was mediocre and kinda boring

Sooo sorry for the late review, my life has been kinda crazy and a bit over whelming but everything is back to I saw Brave opening day at the century theatre, in 2d format. When I first saw the trailer for brave back in March, I was soo stoked for this film because it look different and the trailer made the film look so exciting and daring. But honestly I was very bored and somewhat disappointed! I really thought Pixar learned their lesson with Cars 2...which by far is the worse Pixar movie to date!...Just saying. I thought that Brave would be up there with Up,
Ratatouille, The Incredibles, Cars and all three Toy Story films...but it wasn't even close. I guess what made these films soo great was overall message and the emotion behind it. All of these films left me wanting more where as with Brave I was excited when the end credits started to roll. Movie trailers are somewhat deceiving. The film wasn't all bad there are some great one liners and the three little brothers were my
favourite they were soo funny. All the scotland jokes were very funny in a adult/ dark comedy way. Visually the film looked wonderful! I loved what they did with Merida hair...her hair was a character within it's self. And the cinematography looked amazing. I think they cared more about how the film looked then the actual story. I really laughed a lot but the overall message of the film was very weak compared to the other Pixar films. And the plot threw me left field. By the way, the short animated film at the beginning of brave, which was called La Luna I enjoyed actually more than Brave. La Luna affected me emotionally more then brave. I was actually surprised to find out that the short didn't win at the oscars this year because it was clever and stunning. Brave didn't have enough action! The story reminded me of little red riding hood, except there were no wolves just bears. I am really starting to loose my faith in Pixar now. SERIOUSLY!!!!! Go back to the basics!!! Re-watch all of your past films and figure out what's missing! The archery in brave was pretty exciting. After seeing this film, Hunger games, and Avengers lol now I really want to take up archery. Because honestly its soo epic and daring. So the film wasn't terrible and it wasn't great. It was kinda dull. If you haven't seen it yet don't waste your time...just wait for the DVD.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Snow White and the Huntsman was just ok..not worth the hype

     Ok so we all know the tale of Snow White..and we have seen it adapted into soo many films. So here is the million-dollar question is this version different from the rest? I think not!.. I really had hopes for this film! And honestly I was a little disappointed! The film stars Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron, and Chris Hemsworth. I honestly don't know if I hate the film or if I liked kept my attention but it felt like the story was missing wasn't epic enough! And the character development wasn't really there! The film was  visually stunning! With all the landscapes and cgi.  the costumes and makeup was dazzling, Especially Theron's costumes and makeup. I will be surprised if this film doesn't get nominated for art direction, cinematography, and costumes at the Oscars next year, because honestly it looked amazing.    
   Charlize Theron was great in this! She was my favorite part of the film. She was soo wicked as the queen! I really wanted to see her in every scene!  She was the true star and the scene-stealer of the three. Very believable as the evil queen and she is oh so stunning. Kristen Stewart wasn't bad but she wasn't great! She was somewhat believable as Snow White but it wasn't quite there! she was great at the end as this bad ass warrior but  Stewart as the sweet and caring snow white fell flat for me. she wasn't graceful and angelic more like awkward and dull! There wasn't much for Chris Hemsworth to do, who plays the huntsman in the film. I don’t think us as viewers knew him as another name lol he was just the hot guy with an axe and a knife. He had a few good one-liners but, that was the full extent of his character. There was also a small love triangle between the huntsman, Snow White and her childhood friend…but again there was no nothing to get excited over.  The dwarfs bothered me a bit because again I didn’t feel attach to them as characters to care for.  and Sam Claflin who plays William Snow White’s other love entrance/ childhood friend  was fine but again nothing special!
    The score was nice again not epic enough. I loved the Florence and machine song /breath of life that played during the credits.really good song !This composer really needs to listen to Howard Shore, John Williams and Alexander Desplat because these guys are best when it comes to creating music for films.  There are four things that really make a movie awesome to me…the characters, story, cinematography, and score. This film was great as a visual piece but everything else was lacking. the big problem with this film was the screenplay it wasn’t original and there wasn’t enough for the characters to do.   All the elements were present but the story was mediocre and this is a story we have seen and heard before. Visually the film was fresh. Apparently this was the director Rupert Sander’s first film…not bad for a first. Overall all I guess I did somewhat enjoy it! I didn't hate it just wasn't epic enough!  Too much hype not enough dazzle!                                                                                                                                                 


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dark Shadows was anything but Dark

      Today I saw Tim Burtons: Dark Shadows, and honestly I enjoyed it. It kept my attention and I was amused. It’s not my favorite Tim Burton film nor is it the one I like least. I went into the movie went negative expectations because a lot of people were upset about it being a dark comedy rather then it being a full on soap opera. The Film stars Johnny Depp, honestly I am a bit biased when it comes to him because he is one of my favorite actors. Depp plays Barnabas Collins who is turned into a vampire and is entombed for almost 200 years. He wakes up and it is now 1972. He finds his beloved family empire in ruins and the family's fortunes in the seaside fishing town of Collinsport, Maine, founded by Barnabas' father, have dwindled.
  The witch Angelique who turned him into a vampire and  killed his beloved Josette, is doing quite well as the main business owner of the Angelfish Company. Who so happens to be the Collins in direct competition. Eva Green plays her. Green does a good job at playing a believable villain. The Film also stars Michelle Pfeiffer  who plays Elizabeth Collins Stoddard/ the head of the family. Pfieiffer is still beautiful and she brings soo much snobbness and dry humor to her character. There is Carolyn who is Elizabeth Collin’s 15-year-old daughter, played by Chloe Mortez…she was also in Kick Ass. I found her very refreshing and hilarious to watch. she really acted like a 15-year-old girl from the 1970’s with her dancing and her chilled/ whatever attitude. Jonny Lee Miller portrays Carolyn’s brother Roger. He is believable in his role as the deadbeat failure of a father, but there is lack of stage presence.  He has a troubled young son, David (Gully McGrath) who lost his mother at sea. So now he thinks he sees her. And of course there is Helena Bonham Carter who portrays the family's live-in shrink. Dr. Julia Hoffman. She hasn't helped the Collinses much, but she's quite skilled at self-medicating. Then there is the  newly hired governess Victoria Winters (Bella Heathcote) who bears an uncanny resemblance to Josette. The family is full of odd misfits. Depp does an awesome job again. He loses himself in his character and you forget that he is wearing distracting makeup and costume. His whole purpose is to help the family and put things right. This of course is difficult because of the witch Angelique. Who causes problems for the Depp’s Character because she is madly in love with him. She poses a threat on the family if Depp doesn’t choose her.
   I truly enjoyed it I was not bored at all the ending was very predictable of course, and a bit over the top but not bad...and then there is a twist at the end..Dark Shadows 2 maybe?? The story was well written and of course the cinematography was stunning and whimsical. I loved all the gags at 70’s pop culture. There is soo much humor in this its fun for the whole family. Burton’s films always look fantastic and you feel as if you are in another time and place. I like the score not my favorite of Danny Elfman but good still. If you are a fan of Burton go see if not wait for in on DVD.

The Dictator was a hot mess...

I honestly hate writing negative stuff...But I guess all my reviews can't be positive. So today I saw the Dictator starring Sacha Baron Cohen and Ana Farris. Surprisingly the movie is half a romantic comedy and a political satire. Cohen plays General Admiral Aladeen of the North African nation of Wadiya. He owns a huge palace and a thrown full of worshipers, who he executes, with the waving of his hand.  He also has a wall full of people he hooked up with…Meghan Fox makes a small unmemorable cameo during this scene. The film also stars Ben Kingsley who plays Tahi Aladeen's premier, who is the rightful heir to the thrown. He plots to overthrow him. After an assassination fails, Tahir encourages Aladeen to address the United Nations, where he hopes another assassination will succeed. John C. Reilly plays his head security guard in America who tries to assassinate him but instead he fails and just chops off his beard. After being de-bearded, Cohen’s character is stuck wandering around in Manhattan while his body double impersonates him at the United Nations summit. He then runs into Anna Farris character Zoey, who is an over enthusiastic feminist/human rights activist who runs a heath food store. Cohen’s character gets a job at the store. The rest of the movie focuses on their relationship/ his plan to regain power.
      This film is “Coming to America” gone wrong! I found myself board and at times looking at my watch, which almost never happens during a movie! Even though the movie was only a mere hour and a half. I felt like I wasted my time and free movie pass. Cohen was not funny in this, again he uses sex references and slap stick comedy for laughs. Some scenes were entertaining. But by the end of it the jokes were tired and repetitive. Cohen’s best roles to date were "Borat" and his role as "Pirelli" in Tim Burtons Sweeney Todd.  As for Ana Farris she was soo boring and annoying their romance wasn't at all believable and honestly Cohen should've wrote her out of the script. There was no need to have her in this film. I will say I did enjoy it more than Bruno...the first film I ever walked out on....Cohen was funniest as the dictator when he was seen promoting the film on various television outlets and when he threw pancake batter on Ryan Secrest on the red carpet at the 2012 Academy Awards...that actually happen! Just wished it was in the movie. The movie did stick to the plot but again this story has been told in various films. The music was clever but that was the only thing I really enjoyed.  I didn't find it offensive, just boring and a bit tired! And honestly can he tell a joke that isn't sexist or racist! Don't waist your money at the show or rent it on DVD.  Wait for it on cable and only watch if there is absolutely nothing on television!...this movie was a hot mess!

Reviews for dark shadows and the dictator will be up soon

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Reality check: thought I found a Rhett Butler but in reality I was chasing after Ashley Wilkes!

My first or second blog entry I mention, “Gone with the wind"as my favorite movie of all time. I can relate my life to it in any form orfashion. Most girls relate their relationship troubles to epic tales of“Carrie” and “Big” From Sex in the City...but my quarrels with love andrelationships is more “Gone with the Wind” then “Sex and the city” any day.Scarlet O’Hare who I find to be one the strongest leading ladies in filmhistory, is strong, beautiful, and independent...Like myself. In the film thewrong men always pursued her in her eyes. In my case I find myself always beingpursued by the wrong men.  Scarlet was a women who thought she knew whatshe wanted, and like myself I have always been a girl who thought I found whatI was looking for. Throughout the Film there were these two men that manage toalways stay constant in Scarlet's life you have the brooding, tortured soul,and compassionate Ashley Wilkes, whom was also married and yet Scarlet is so blindlyin love with. Then there is the daring, yet dashing, arrogant, Rhett Butlerwhom is madly in love with Scarlet who was willing to give and do anythingfor her...but she despise this man so!  So you have this epic lovetriangle between these three characters and the clear choice is for Scarlett tochoose Rhett Butler and not the Married Ashley Wilkes because they were made for each other! Spoiler alert! This kindof happens but Scarlett realizes she is too little to late.  She tells Rhett how she feels, and his wordsin Response are "frankly my dear I don't give a damn!"... Such anepic and amazing scene I must add!            
           For years I thought I found my version of Rhett Butler. This talldashing guy that was passionate, romantic and aggressive whom either left mespeechless or completely and utterly frustrated. Like Scarlet and Rhett we bothare very passionate and ambitious and we are both stubborn and reckless people.Today or maybe even a year ago I realized he wasn't my Rhett Butler afterall...what we had was like smoke and mirrors...somewhat not real. Love is soblind lol It really truly consumes us and allows of to see say and do crazy things without fully thinking them through...Again he wasn't my Rhett Butler.  I haven't found my Rhett Butler yet...Hewas my Ashley Wilkes, a man that I have Been chasing after for almost 7years... like Scarlet He was somebody I would plot, plan and scheme,over...which I admit was very stupid and childish. Honestly his name is quiteridiculous like Ashley Wilkes as well...I wont repeat it for your sake, my sakeand of course his sake...I'll just leave it at that.  Throughout the film,Ashley Made all these false promise to Scarlet, which allowed her to latch oneven tighter and she of course didn't realize that the right man was staringher plain in the face. With my situation there is no love triangle and no RhettButler staring me plain in the face for me to make my choice easier…there is orshall I say was an Ashley Wilkes who lead me own with false promises andactions. Again Like Scarlet, I don’t fault him for his actions or his words andfor leading me on as long as he did. I still think of him as a very good guy,but for months or rather years I thought that he was the only guy for me… myversion of Rhett Butler.  Irealized today I have so much time to find my Rhett Butler I am only 24 yearsold. Its not too late and I haven’t missed out…for me its only the beginningYou wont find me like Scarlet at my door watching Rhett Butler leave allbecause I was chasing after Ashley Wilkes.
ill try not to post too much about this movie anymore..but today I honestly had a life lesson.. well an epiphany about something I've been holding on to for a long time...done being bummed and upset about it.  
stay review for Tim Burton's Dark Shadows will be up in a few days.